Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

post osce


I'm finally updating my blog after ages and ages of silence and of course no need to explain, my constant busy kkd life. So the osce is finally over and... we're getting our result tomorrow. I am so nervous. How could I not and how could anyone not? As you all know, I her osce. The 2nd time felt much better. I did my best to earn myself good marks. Let's hope for the best.

I know that I shudn't feel so horrible about tomorrow, becuz I know I did just fine. But it's just the typical a-day-before-result feeling. I pray so much that all of us pass osce with flying colours. I've imagined us all in our graduating robes. I can't wait for that moment. It shall be the happiest day of my life apart from that claimed-happiest-day in USS.

I just hope, with me passing, I will make my parents proud of me. Everything mum and dad has given me, every penny the spent on me, every tiny advices and faith drops they sprinkled on me, every freaking bad news i worried them with. I hope everything pays off. I want them to see me graduate... finally.

I would like to thank mom and dad, Allah SWT for everything. I cudn't have done it without you. I am so thankful. I am so lucky. Syukur Alhamdulillah...

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shoulders to cry on